
I find that some of my most enlightening thoughts occur while I’m in the shower (does this happen to you?). This shower/”ease of thought” connection dawned on me a few years ago, and I have since been marveling at its occurrence. I wonder how it all works? Is it the temperature of the water that sparks creative thinking? Does the use of various left and right body movements, that are necessary to wash, cause different regions of the brain to fire in a way that promotes an ease of thought? Or maybe it’s all due to some sort of feel-good endorphin that gets released — the body’s way of encouraging and rewarding us for bathing? Or maybe I function optimally during these times because I’m surrounded by what I am so largely composed of, water?

I was curious and just did a quick internet search to find out what percentage of the human body is made up of water. I found out that the answer ranges from about 55%-78%. It varies and depends on body composition, whether you’re a male (60% water) or female (55% water), and what stage of life you’re in (infants are made up of about 78% water, and adults 55-60% water).
(percentages were taken from http://water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html)

It all fascinates me, and I very much appreciate the effect that water has…so much so that a shower sometimes even feels beyond-this-world or holy to me. On a related note, someone once told me that they like to look at the showers that they take as a form of baptism. That thought has always captivated me. Water is filled with such life, hope, and direction.

And interestingly enough, I just read that Earth is made up of 71% water — a percentage that’s almost identical to the percentage of water that’s in the human brain and heart (73% water) — another example that illustrates to me that everything is related and connected, All Are One.
So maybe that’s why water feels so good, because it allows me to more easily connect the physical parts of myself to the physical parts of this world.

Life is filled with so many cool things that beg to be noticed and explored.

Happy showering!




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