Love and Be Loved

I’m having a quiet and reflective moment this Sunday afternoon and felt like sharing some love with you. Was thinking about life and all its uncertainties. Scary at times for sure, but also full of excitement. Who knows what tomorrow brings? I’m learning to be better at not knowing. It’s hard because I like to feel like I’m in control. It feels safe to be in control. But I’m learning that so much of life, perhaps all of life, is way beyond my control. Strangely, that realization is bringing me much more peace than panic. Life is teaching me that it’s not about control, it’s about loving and being loved. I’m sharing these intimate thoughts publicly with you now because it feels like a declaration of sorts, and a reminder to me of how I want to live my life. I’m also sharing these thoughts because I believe it is the best I have to offer. Love is the best I have to offer. Loving thoughts lead me to loving actions. And loving actions have always led to unmatched feelings of fulfillment — feelings I’ve found cannot be replicated through any other means. Love to me feels like the ultimate and most impenetrable circle. It is a loosely yet somehow tightly woven fabric of giving and receiving. Love fills me with hope and strength, and little by little, is helping me to put down my guard, to give up control, to revel in fear, and to face each day more and more unarmed. Thanks for listening to all my mushy thoughts about love. They help me to breathe easier. I hope they bring some good to your life too. And if you’re in the mood, I’d love to hear about a loving moment in your day, or any thoughts you have that nourish your soul. Happy Sunday everyone.





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