Ch7: Maintaining Health / Significance
© 2012 Eric Vaiksnoras

“You have a solemn obligation to take care of yourself, because you never know when the world will need you.” ~Author unknown

I have long been attracted to the subject of health. The analytical and curious parts of me like to know how and why things work. The pleasure seeking parts of me recognize that the more I understand, the more pleasure I receive. The widowed and heartbroken parts of me rely on my health awareness to provide relief from the pain of life being different. These are some of the factors that contribute to an attraction to health that continues to be satisfying and rewarding — one that helps to keep me feeling strong, hopeful, capable — and is adding to my ability to appreciate and enjoy life.

My curiosity towards health matters was first nurtured through much family support, particularly from my mom, who has always had a special intuitive knack for providing spot on health related guidance. She was also incredibly supportive of my participation in many sports as a child, which I consider to be another of my greatest health resources.

Mom & Me
October 2008

My First Team!

St. Mary Magdalene Football
Fall 1986

I would also give “health nurturing” credit to Kent State University, where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education in 2005, and a Masters of Education in Community Health/School Health in 2008. As a student at KSU, I was immersed in the latest and greatest practices by some of the most respected professors in the Health and P.E. fields. And while I feel far from claiming to be an expert, I do feel competent and privileged enough to share and explore a bit of this complex and important subject of health.

So what is “health” anyways? I’ve thought long and hard about this as I considered what I’d like to include in the preceding health chapters. In a broad sense, health reminds me of the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity (the idea that God is one being, yet exists in the form of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit). I make this connection to health because I see health coming in three mystical connecting parts, as well, consisting of: The Mind, The Body, and The Soul. Every health concept I can think of seems to fit nicely into one or more of these three parts.

I find it important to recognize that maintaining my health consists of numerous activities, thoughts, and actions that each make an important contribution to a foundation that supports my overall health. This reminds me of the old saying that states a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, or the concept that there is value in everything. I see health as a dynamic and ever-changing thing, which is a very hopeful and powerful thought for me, because if I ever don’t like how I’m feeling, I know there are plenty of things I can do to change my situation.

Even though health is a subject that continues to add to my life, I find that there are also elements of it that present a recipe for great conflict, which at times can lead to unwanted tension and frustration. I believe that much of my current health conflict derives from the fact that the world is constantly presenting me with money driven “health prescriptions”. I sometimes find myself taking misleading health messages too personally, and this brings out the fight instinct in me. But, being driven by an overly emotional reaction, or sulking in the “wrongs” of a situation, rarely takes me anywhere good, so I’d rather choose another path. Maybe I need to learn to simply view health messages with more of a consumer perspective? I can turn it into a game of sorts and take a closer look at what the message is selling. Is it health? Or is it a misleading message or product, disguised as health, in an attempt to make money? I think this kind of tweak in perception can help me in the future. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by health messages where I feel taken advantage of, it will help me to take a step back and be the one to decide how a message will impact me. I believe this minor but important change in outlook will also help me to remain proud of being a Health Educator and all the pure reasons I am drawn to the profession. I can help to make Health Education what I know it could and should be—a very positive and influential thing in people’s lives. “Be the change you want to see in the world”, right? Ok then, that’s what I am going to work on being.

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The three chapters that follow all pertain to the subject of Health Maintenance and have been organized into Mind (Ch.8), Body (Ch.9), and Soul (Ch.10). Each chapter is made up of specific things that have helped to maintain my health and get me through my grieving days.

I also want to provide some sort of disclaimer expressing the fact that I am well aware the content I chose to include is just the tip of the iceberg. These health chapters were difficult to put together because they address such a huge concept in such a limited space. I have included things that are significant to me because they’ve helped to bring balance and joy to my life. I know my experiences are limited and I have much to be exposed to (remember, I’m still just a young widower!), so I hope you can forgive my inexperience while still finding some comfort in the experience I do have.




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